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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Episode 26 - Superstars!

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_26_-_Superstars.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

So, I'm not good at schedules. We know this. This is familiar ground. Don't blame me if a couple days becomes a week or a week becomes 2 or 3 weeks. It's just gonna happen. Sorry.


This is a unique and fun episode here! Matt and Kyle are left to their own devices! I don't know how to do Flikr really, but we came up with THIS! (If you know how to do a "Flikr pool" or a "Flikr group" or something, create one for these and let me know!) We talk about Disheveled businessmen and women. Hippie rooms. Bill Clinton. And other stuff!

We also talk to Matt DiStefano, AKA Team Goldie about his music and growing up as a musician in PA. Team Goldie can be found at http://www.teamgoldie.com/ OR http://www.myspace.com/teamgoldie (both go to the same place, but his music is fantastic. Check it out!)

Also, for some reason, Kyle talks to a "pro-bono celebrity" named Hal Halfman. (The only website we could find for him was his Twitter Page.

Very fun episode, so you BEST ENJOY!

Email Us! everythingswonderful@gmail.com

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Episode 25.5 - SPECIAL EPISODE - Halloween! (Dead in the Water)

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_25.5_-_Halloween_Dead_in_the_Water.mp3 r go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

AKA "This Is How We Carve The Pumpkin"- Alvaro Lopez-Moreno

Not yet ready for Halloween to be over? Need just a LITTLE SOMETHING from your EiW Crew to get you through the first bit of November? How about THIS little number?

This is kind of a crazy experiment of an episode. If you love it, listen to it every year, like a new Halloween tradition. Play it for your friends and co-workers and parents and housekeepers and pets and sex-workers and fairy godparents! If you hate it, delete it and never listen to it again and wait just a little while for me to post the NEXT, REAL episode with actual CONTENT on it. Either way, Email us at everythingswonderful@gmail.com and let us know what you think. I'm curious. 

THE end.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Episode 25 - Smorgasbord

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_25_-_Smorgasbord.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

This will forever be known as the episode-that-took-Matt-a-month-to-edit-because-the-audio-got-so-screwed-up. See if you can tell! You CAN'T, can you? That's how good I am.

Regardless, this episode is a veritable smorgasbord of content! We start with a new theme song by Eugene Ahn. Then the WHOLE GANG'S TOGETHER as Matt, Alvaro, Dexter and Kyle do Top Fives! (Fan-favorite segment!) Matt talks to Professor Kris Markman from the University of Memphis about her research into independant podcasting. Then we talk TV for a bit. And Alvaro unleashes a surprise on us! A certain person we thought was gone, turns out not to be AS gone as was once thought.

Stick around after the show for 3 BONUS SONGS by MC Blackwolf (AKA Alvaro) from his new album The Blackwolf Tapes, which can be purchased HERE.

Email Us! everythingswonderful@gmail.com

Friday, October 16, 2009

Special Announcement!

We're a little bit late with this, but the Everything is Wonderful crew was recently on another podcast, The People You Don't Know ! We talked to host Eugene Ahn about the show, the creative scene in West Chester, PA, and a bunch of other crap. Basically we invaded his respectable, interesting show and sewed chaos and poor content ALL OVER the place.

But let's talk about Eugene for a second. Eugene (newest friend of the show) is simply a class act and a FACTORY of good content. He also has a comic book podcast called War Rocket Ajax that we've mentioned on this blog before (it's great) and he RAPS! I highly suggest you all check that stuff out and support the man and all his endeavors. I know I do.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Episode 24 - Intern Trouble

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_24_-_Intern_Trouble.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

Another guest co-host this week; our good friend Melon, who sits in to talk to us about comic books. We discuss some modern classics like The Walking Dead, Y: The Last Man, Cerebus, and more!

Then, sit back and tremble with excitement for the sudden return of DEXTER CONNER! Co-Host extraordinaire! He returns from his trip through time to help us with a new segment our crack team of interns come up with. Interns who subsequently fuck up and must be punished. Also, surprise guest from the Two Mustaches podcast!

We wrap up this week with the Ultimate Moment With Mark (he's leaving...)

Much fun, as always! Enjoy!

Email us! everythingswonderful@gmail.com

Friday, August 28, 2009

Episode 23 - All About Concept

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_23_-_All_About_Concept.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

Here we are! Back again! Dexter steps out for the episode, but... hold on... let me cue it up...


Matt Goshey. We call him Goshey.

We talk about duct tape, the logistics of living a video game, introduce a new segment called "Things That Are Better in Concept," fail at a new segment called "Things That Are Better in Concept," and lots more. Also, we have a unique Moment with Mark, and we pick out our s'mores to compete in the Re-Invention of the S'more contest! Or whatever it is.

Email us! everythingswonderful@gmail.com

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Saturday Links!

Recurring blog segment!!! HA! How about THAT?

Some sites we've enjoyed over the past week:

http://www.westchesterrockcity.com/ - On our show, we like to show off and support the best of the local music in the area. In this spirit, we thought we'd share with you THIS awesome site of punk rock from West Chester, PA (our homebase) past. Very new, but really nice-looking site with some awesome music on it. Interesting if you know the area or if you enjoy local music/punk rock.

http://www.traipse.com/thing_in_a_jar/ - This is Awesome.

http://warrocketajax.com/ - Punching strong right out of the gate, this new podcast is really delightful. If you like OUR show, this is a great one to check out.

http://aliceandkev.wordpress.com/ - A captivating, emotional, moving, and very well-written story about a homeless girl and her father who live in a park in the middle of a nice suburban neighborhood. Also, they live in Sims Two. It's told serially through blog posts and (while I'm late on this, and it stopped updating at some point, and doesn't show much hope of coming back...) what is there is really really great.

Friday, August 21, 2009

We're Not Dead!

...but we ARE sorry. We haven't posted an episode, updated the blog, posted on the forum, or etc. in a while. It all started when we recorded an episode just as Matt (host, editor, and producer of the show) got a job (thats busiest time is Back To School) and so we were initially going to be a little late, but THEN Matt got so sick that, were he to host the show, he would just have been screeching nonsense and whining at people. And VERY FEW people want to hear that. Hospitals were involved. Steroids and Antibiotics. He's fine now, don't worry, but it DID set the show back a little. So, unfortunately, the show had to be put on hold for a few weeks. But we have one episode in editting NOW and we WILL be back to our recording schedule this week.

So sorry, listeners. We're not going away. We're just getting warmed up.

Stay Tuned.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lovefest bonus content: More Live videos (of love)

Voss does this thing sometimes live where he hands out index cards and has people write words on them. He then does a freestyle using the words from the cards, which he has not seen. You may recognize yours truly handing him the cards.

Later on in the evening Voss joined The Spotted Atrocious on stage for a song.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Lovefest bonus content: Live videos(of love)

Here's a video from the live show of the song "Hit that shit."

And here's a video by the headliners: The Spotted Atrocious, who were awesome.

Also as a super extra bonus content, here is a song that The Keen One posted on The Spotted Atrocious' myspace, which is a TSA song that she wrote a rap verse for. Check it out, it is awesome: The Spotted Keen One

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Episode 22 - Lovefest (of Love)

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_22_-_Lovefest_of_Love.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

This episode could ONLY be called: Lovefest (of Love!) We went so far over time because we had so many great people on that are awesome. Alex Pearlman joins us for the majority of the show to say goodbye to the old Everything is Action studios. Rising hip-hop artist The Keen One talks to us about her career and her new album "Getaway," featuring a ton of audio from her recent Philadelphia show that she was gracious enough to let us record and distribute here, exclusively, for you. Long-time EiW fan Christina Lengyel stops by to talk about her new book, Happening Through with Kyle and guest interviewer Matt Goshey. We finally get around to answering your listener emails, and they're GREAT! (keep em coming and we'll do those segments more often!) Also, a Moment with Mark where he talks about his new poetry podcast (http://homilyandtoast.podbean.com/) which DEFINITELY deserves a listen. All that and more, on this love-tacular episode of Everything is Wonderful.

The Keen One:

Email us!


The image above is the new (working) image for podcasts. Since we're adding new features to the blog, you will be able to find all the PODCAST posts by either searching by labels (righthand side) under "podcast" or looking for that picture (or a similar one to come soon.) Other tags are self-explanatory (i.e. guest = we had a guest on that episode, music = we had live music on that episode, etc.) Let us know what you think of the improvements to the blog!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Saturday Links!

Some sites we've enjoyed over the past week:

http://beatonna.livejournal.com/ - Linked to an episode of our show, so I checked it out; Very enjoyable webcomic. Funny, smart, original. Certainly worth checking out.

http://www.avoidthisjob.com/ - Found this on comedian Paul F. Tompkins Twitter. Hilariously funny website, illuminating or mocking the most heinous job offers to be found on the internet.

- Incredibly interesting website. Full of a bunch of amazing articles and features, if you ignore the attention-draws and such... I was lead to this site through this article.

http://www.thedreamlandchronicles.com/ - Call me lame, but I'm really REALLY enjoying this series. I read all 900+ pages the day I found it and... it's awesome. Light, fun, all-ages entertainment in a true way. (didn't dig the 3D art style at first, but ended up loving it before the first "issue" was over)

Funny Two Mustaches Video

Courtesy of Two Mustaches.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Episode 21 - Things That Are Awesome

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_21_-_Things_That_Are_Awesome.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

This week we continue with our short series of interviewing our favorite podcasters as we talk to a personal podcasting hero of ours, Jesse Thorn: Found of Maximumfun.org and host of Public Radio International's The Sound of Young America and the podcast Jordan, Jesse, Go! We also continue discussing awesome things with our Top Fives segment. We revisit our quest to re-invent the S'more and set a date for the end! Get your submissions in!

Plus, a Moment with Mark and more! Listen up, it's good for you.

Jesse Thorn can be found at:

Email Us!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Episode 20 - Tom VS the EiW Crew

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_20_-_Tom_VS_the_EiW_Crew.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

On this, our milestone 2OTH EPISODE, we talk with one of our favorite podcasters (to kick off our intermittent podcasting series) Tom Katers, of Tom VS the Flash and Around Comics! We talk about podcasting, comedy, comics, and various types of nerd. The guys also discuss "movie quote guy", a fictional restaurant called "Fist Full of Sushi," Alvaro tells us about MoCCA, and more! Plus, Moment with Mark!

Lots of fun is had, don't miss out!

Tom VS the Flash

Around Comics

Email us!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Episode 19 - Fear of Birds

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Episode_19_-_Fear_of_Birds.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

We scale it back for a moment and return to the format of "just a few guys talking." Dexter MAY OR MAY NOT show up late with stories of where he was, but mostly it's Matt, Alvaro, and Kyle sharing stories about their scariest moments (many of which involve birds), coming up with the premise for Mutt Jones and Zeus's Magical Dream-Hole, and much more! We also discuss a blog article we found online called: 13 People Who Ruined it for Everyone Else (we found it here: http://open.salon.com/blog/beth_mann), and a Moment with Mark (complete with a Mark's original poem)!

Email us! everythingswonderful@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Episode 18.5 - SPECIAL EPISODE - Keep Listening

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_18.5_-_Keep_Listening.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)


Our very own Alvaro Lopez-Moreno, under his super-secret rap persona MC Blackwolf (picture, in costume, above) just released his new ep, the Keep Listening ep! We hear some songs. We talk about some stuff. And we hear a new theory of freestyling with Alvaro and Kyle. Check it out and buy the album!

Get MC Blackwolf's album:


More MC Blackwolf:


Email us: everythingswonderful@gmail.com

We'll be back with a full length episode in just a few days!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Episode 18 - The Break-Up

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_18_-_The_Break_Up.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ for the RSS feed OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

. . . . . . .

Also, 18.5 in just a few days. Stay tuned.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Episode 17 - Found

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Episode_17_-_Found.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ for the RSS feed OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

In this momentous episode we interview co-creator and editor of Found Magazine, Davy Rothbart! Davy also was gracious enough to let us record LIVE from his Denim & Diamonds tour event at Wolfgang Books in Phoenixville, PA. (237 Bridge Street 2nd Floor, Phoenixville. PA, 19460) Then, popular segment: TOP FIVES! returns and it's a goddamn doozy. We take some listener emails and immediately set off on a ROAD TRIP across the country to the Floor is Lava red carpet premiere in Hollywood! Lots of shit goes down and it's 90 kinds of fun, so make SURE you don't miss this episode.

Email us! everythingswonderful@gmail.com

And check out the just-blooming, but still kind of awkward and unprofessional everythingiswonderful.net (sign up for the forum and start discussing NOW!)

Also, my favorite Found Magazine entry:

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Episode 16 - Hip Hop and Comics

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_16_-_Hip_Hop_and_Comics.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ for the RSS feed OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

This is a special episode with TWO INTERVIEWS! And we all have a hell of a time. First up we have Voss (www.myspace.com/vossmusic) bringing some rap to the show and teaching us about "game". Next up, Sally Bloodbath (sally-bloodbath.livejournal.com/ or alwayscomix.blogspot.com/) talking about comics, growing up with Maus and Fleischer cartoons and medical oddities. Complete with not one, but TWO freestyles with Voss and Alvaro (listen closely for Kyle's hip hop debut on the second one), a possibly-a-little-too-long Comics by the Cover and a Moment with Mark. You don't wanna miss this one...

Email us! everythingswonderful@gmail.com

And check out the just-blooming, but still kind of awkward and unprofessional everythingiswonderful.net (sign up for the forum and start discussing NOW!)

Link Central!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Episode 15 - Art

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_15_-_Art.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ for the RSS feed OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

In this extra-long episode of EiW, we talk to reknowned Bio/Transgenic artist Eduardo Kac (www.ekac.org) about his art. The guys then move on to try and answer the questions: "What is Art?" and "What is the PURPOSE of art?" Also, Moment with Mark returns! Glowing Bunnies, a secret love painting between Alvaro and Kyle, and the death of comedy await!!

Email us! everythingswonderful@gmail.com 

big things to come over at... everythingiswonderful.net (sign up for the forum and start discussing NOW!)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Episode 14 - The Manual (or, Sista Conference)

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_14_-_The_Manual_or_Sista_Conference.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ for the RSS feed OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

This episode finds the gang in the midst of some long-awaited RETURN SEGMENTS! We touch back on our TV talk from WAAAY back in episode 4. Including each of our Top 3 Favorite Cartoons of all time! We then proceed to return to the listener-favorite CUTE, CREEPY, OR CORNY segment. We invite a lady panel onto the show to ask us just what is cute, creepy, or corny in a relationship and we answer with CONVICTION!(except maybe Kyle who, at one point, said "crouton.") A whole lot of fun and laughs ensue. Check it out.

Email us! everythingswonderful@gmail.com

big things to come over at... everythingiswonderful.net (sign up for the forum and start discussing NOW!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Episode 13 - MUPPET MARCH - Muppocracy

(direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/everythingiswonderful/Ep_13_-_Muppocracy.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ for the RSS feed OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

We wrap up Muppet March on a high note (in late April). We do our fan-favorite Top 5 segments. We answer some listener emails, which include a very special poem and a series of month-long contact from your favorite Face/Off celebrity that is not Nicholas Cage. We also do some exclusive on-location coverage Kyle's Historic Muppet Manifesto presentation at the UN. And we do our Muppet March wrap-up.

Email us! everythingswonderful@gmail.com

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Episode 12 - MUPPET MARCH - Muppets Take Dr. Manhattan

(direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/everythingiswonderful/Ep_12_-_Muppets_Take_Dr._Manhattan.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.com/ for the RSS feed OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

Together Again!

The gang is back together again for a VERY Muppet-light episode of Muppet March (April) [SHUT UP!] Kyle comes back from Hawaii. Alvaro volunteers at WFMU. Matt goes to a Kimya Dawson show (featuring: random little girl!) Dexter does schoolwork. We watch and review both Muppets Take Manhattan and Watchmen with a bit of confusion. Then we are joined by singer/songwriter LAUREN ADAMS for a bit, which is awesome. Followed by a few short segments such as: Comics by the Cover, That's Newstastic! and Moment with Mark. A bit of a long show with shit-tons of content.

Email Us!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Episode 11 - MUPPET MARCH - Muppet Fatigue

(direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/everythingiswonderful/Ep_11_-_Muppet_Fatigue.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.com for the RSS feed OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

Tired, and weary, our Masons of Culture Commentary MARCH ON for the MUPPET MARCH! The movies turn out to be a little more boring than we remembered them, but our night is still fraught with drama! and intrigue! Matt cries and calls 911! Why? Alvaro has a secret hiding in his bathtub! What?! Dexter witnesses film history in the making when he sees a man get licked in a place unseen! Where!? And Boy Kyle's timely intrusion almost negates Girl Kyle's existence and sucks gender identity into a whirling black hole of confusion and sadness! Huh!?

All this and more, on this episode of Everything is Wonderful.

Email Us!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Episode 10 - MUPPET MARCH - Wakka Wakka Motherf*cker

(direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/everythingiswonderful/Ep_10_-_Wakka_Wakka_Motherfucker.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.com/ for the RSS feed OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

It's not easy being green, or so we've heard...

Matt and Alvaro talk Muppets. Dexter is absent and Kyle is on vacation while the our host and often-co-host soldier on to discover the TRUE origins of the Muppets and work out Matt's Unified Muppet Theory to the end. We find the connections between every incarnation of the Muppets, Noah, US Colonization, and more! We also review The Muppet Movie and talk about what Muppet would most suitably play which celebrity in a movie.

It's not easy being green

Email Us!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Episode 09 - Partycast!

(direct download: here or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.com for the RSS feed OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

As you've all been anxiously anticipating exactly WHO would be dubbed "Captain of Taco Salad"... WAIT NO FURTHER! THE ANSWERS LIE WITHIN! We FINALLY do the Everything is Wonderful Taco Salad Throwdown and a panel of impartial judges decides us a winner. We also did this whole show live in front of an audience, so there's some audience top fives, there's som audience q & a, and there's lots of fun and merriment. We hope you'll enjoy!

Email Us!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Episode 08 - How to Win and Romance

(NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: This episode no longer exists online, but parts of it can be found at everythingiswonderful.libsyn.com/ in the episode "Best Of 5-8")

This show, we ask some girls, Dexter, and special guest Marshall Tuckerband about what exactly is Cute, Creepy, and Corny. We also talk to Alvaro and Alex (Two Mustaches) about their recent live taping of their upcoming internet TV show "The Win Show!" Audio quality isn't the best we've ever had, but this, in my opinion, one of the most fun episodes we've ever done. So grin and bear it!

Email Us!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Episode 07 - Failed Attempts

(NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: This episode no longer exists online, but parts of it can be found at everythingiswonderful.libsyn.com/ in the episode "Best Of 5-8" and "EiW Presents - Failed Attempts at Facial Hair" (which, at the time of posting this, does not exist. But it WILL!))

We may be late, but we deliver! This episode features my favorite interview so far and a great musical guest John Crodian, aka Failed Attempts at Facial Hair. Also, I make Kyle and Dexter sick to their stomachs halfway through a segment about taking it to the extreme (...in a bad way.)

We'll be posting episode 8 EARLY (in less than a week) and Episode 9 PROBABLY less than a week after that, so look forward to a bunch of new EiW content in the next week and a half...

Thanks, guys! Keep podcasting in!

So Say We All.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen...

Sorry for the delay in shows. For better or worse, Life has not been treating me (Matt) gently for the past few weeks, so I haven't posted a show in a little while. We have a wonderful little Episode 7 with musical guest Failed Attempts and Facial hair and Episode 8 I think is one of the best discussions we've ever recorded, so there's some good stuff coming up... But I can't quite lock myself down to a time when it's all gonna be up, but it'll be soon. So I apologize to all of you for breaking the schedule so much, but you'll have episode 7 within the next few days, I'm hoping. Thanks for sticking around!

P.S. In the Meantime... why don't you check out an episode you missed, or, BETTER YET! head over to www.twomustaches.com and check out the new season of THEIR great comedy podcast. OR http://www.myspace.com/failedattemptsatfacialhair for upcoming musical guest!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Episode 06 - The Puppy Bowl is Important

(NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: This episode no longer exists online, but parts of it can be found at everythingiswonderful.libsyn.com/ in the episode "Best Of 5-8")

Everything is Wonderful reports on the Puppy Bowl! Oh, and that football game that was happening at the same time. Also, Top 5 returns and hijinks ensue.

Email Us!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Episode 05 - Battlecar Kylactica

(EDIT FROM THE FUTURE: this episode no longer exists online, but parts of it can be found at everythingiswonderful.libsyn.com/ in the Episode "Best Of 5-8")

Here we present to you, faithful listeners... the most rambly, unstructured, mess of an episode we have released yet. Sometimes-co-host Alvaro Lopez-Moreno rejoins Matt, Dexter, and Kyle and we talk about being lazy, people that are awesome, and lots of Battlestar Galactica.

Alternate episode title - "Stains Cook"

So Say We All.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Episode 04.5 - Special Episode - President Obama

(EDIT FROM THE FUTURE: this episode no longer exists online, but if you email me and ask REALLY nicely, MAYBE I'll send it to you)


We present to you guys a short, special episode of Everything is Wonderful where we talk to some West Chester locals who were in DC for the historic inauguration of Barack Obama.

We'll be back with a full length episode in just a few days!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Episode 04 - A Chicken, TV, and Anthony

(EDIT FROM THE FUTURE: this episode no longer exists online, but parts of it can be found at everythingiswonderful.libsyn.com/ in the Episode "Best Of 1-4" or "EiW Presents - Dianthus of Maria" (which, at the time of writing this, isn't an episode yet. But WILL be!))

Matt, Kyle, and Dexter talk TV!! We formally announce our Taco Salad competition and meet our competitors! Local musician Anthony stops by and plays us some beautiful music!

As always... WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! Email us at everythingswonderful@gmail.com or leave us an iTunes review!!

Thanks for listening!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Episode 03 - Cricket

(EDIT FROM THE FUTURE: this episode no longer exists online, but parts of it can be found at everythingiswonderful.libsyn.com/ in the Episode "Best Of 1-4" or "EiW Presents - Cricket Joe" (which, at the time of writing this, isn't an episode yet. But WILL be!))

Matt, Kyle, and Dexter relax a bit. Talk about our weeks. Do some Top 5s. Discuss being mean to children. And share a nice moment with local Singer/Songwriter Cricket Joe. He talks a bit and plays us some songs. A good time was had by all

Also, we are now on iTunes! Search for us and Subscribe! Also, leave us some nice feedback. We're looking for a bit more exposure and also we wanna know what you think. Also, if you're listening and have ANY thought AT ALL... EMAIL US, YOU BASTARDS!

See you next week!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Episode 02 - Mustaches

Episode 2 is now up!

(EDIT FROM THE FUTURE: this episode no longer exists online, but parts of it can be found at everythingiswonderful.libsyn.com/ in the Episode "Best Of 1-4".)

We had Alex Pearlman on as a guest with Alvaro co-hosting and Two Mustaches gave us advice. Alex was overall pleasant with some slight bits of awkwardness and... just overall bizarre...ness... like when he left us with this piece of cardboard (top). And yes, that is his autograph on the front.

...exactly what we always wanted...

You can find the episode at the usual places, the links above, or (hopefully) on iTunes within the week!