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Friday, August 28, 2009

Episode 23 - All About Concept

(direct download: http://media.libsyn.com/media/everythingiswonderful/Ep_23_-_All_About_Concept.mp3 or go on back to http://everythingiswonderful.libsyn.org/ OR search "Everything is Wonderful" on iTunes!)

Here we are! Back again! Dexter steps out for the episode, but... hold on... let me cue it up...


Matt Goshey. We call him Goshey.

We talk about duct tape, the logistics of living a video game, introduce a new segment called "Things That Are Better in Concept," fail at a new segment called "Things That Are Better in Concept," and lots more. Also, we have a unique Moment with Mark, and we pick out our s'mores to compete in the Re-Invention of the S'more contest! Or whatever it is.

Email us! everythingswonderful@gmail.com

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Saturday Links!

Recurring blog segment!!! HA! How about THAT?

Some sites we've enjoyed over the past week:

http://www.westchesterrockcity.com/ - On our show, we like to show off and support the best of the local music in the area. In this spirit, we thought we'd share with you THIS awesome site of punk rock from West Chester, PA (our homebase) past. Very new, but really nice-looking site with some awesome music on it. Interesting if you know the area or if you enjoy local music/punk rock.

http://www.traipse.com/thing_in_a_jar/ - This is Awesome.

http://warrocketajax.com/ - Punching strong right out of the gate, this new podcast is really delightful. If you like OUR show, this is a great one to check out.

http://aliceandkev.wordpress.com/ - A captivating, emotional, moving, and very well-written story about a homeless girl and her father who live in a park in the middle of a nice suburban neighborhood. Also, they live in Sims Two. It's told serially through blog posts and (while I'm late on this, and it stopped updating at some point, and doesn't show much hope of coming back...) what is there is really really great.

Friday, August 21, 2009

We're Not Dead!

...but we ARE sorry. We haven't posted an episode, updated the blog, posted on the forum, or etc. in a while. It all started when we recorded an episode just as Matt (host, editor, and producer of the show) got a job (thats busiest time is Back To School) and so we were initially going to be a little late, but THEN Matt got so sick that, were he to host the show, he would just have been screeching nonsense and whining at people. And VERY FEW people want to hear that. Hospitals were involved. Steroids and Antibiotics. He's fine now, don't worry, but it DID set the show back a little. So, unfortunately, the show had to be put on hold for a few weeks. But we have one episode in editting NOW and we WILL be back to our recording schedule this week.

So sorry, listeners. We're not going away. We're just getting warmed up.

Stay Tuned.